is a scam!

In the last few years, the number of scam recovery services has increased tenfold and this is because online scams have become widespread. As more and more people are making a foray into the trading world, cybercriminals are using this opportunity to exploit as many people as possible by creating fake platforms to lure them in and then scam them out of their money. No one expects to be scammed and so, when it happens, people are often taken by surprise and don’t really know what to do. It is true that for a long time there really wasn’t anything that could be done.

How To Get Your Money Back From Scammers?

Want to get your money back from a scam?
Fill in the contact form on the page in this link and you will be able to get help in recovering your lost funds! You will be walked through the entire recovery process by a representative of a recommended fund recovery service after which a case will be opened for you by a case manager.

The internet is not like the traditional world; there is no police you can go to when you have been scammed. Does this mean that you have to accept what has happened and forget about it? Luckily, this is not the case because, as stated earlier, there are scam recovery services that exist. One of these is known as Trader Protection, which claims to specialize in helping people recover money from forex, CFDs and crypto trading scams. According to its website, the company is located in Wilmington, USA and you will find some tall claims they have made on their website.

The key to remember here is that in a world like the internet, even these scam recovery services can be scams themselves. You have to be very cautious and know exactly what you are getting into, or else you will get scammed once more and this is not an experience you want to repeat. So, what about Trader Protection? Is it an authentic scam recovery service or is it just another elaborate scam? Unfortunately, when you do your due diligence, you will discover that it falls in the latter category i.e. it is just another scam. How can you figure this out? These are some of the company’s realities:

  • Big claims and no proof

On the internet, anyone can claim to be anything. You can easily create a website where you can advertise yourself as anything you want and no one can stop you from doing so. Making a website is extremely easy these days and even someone with absolutely no expertise and technical knowledge can easily get one. The best way to ascertain whether someone is really what they claim to be is to have some proof of it. This means that when Trader Protection claims to be a professional company that has been providing scam recovery services, it should be able to offer proof of its credibility.

You would expect that a company would be more than eager to share this proof on their website to show that they are really what they claim to be and are not just making big claims. But, Trader Protection is not able to provide any statistics, numbers or other information for substantiating their claims. They make promises, but don’t have anything to offer to you as far as the legitimacy of these promises is concerned and they just expect you to take their word for it. It is not something a truly professional company would do.

  • Fake and shady reviews

While the Trader Protection website lacks proof of what they have accomplished, it does have a number of customer reviews posted on it. These are expected to work as proof because these days, it is the norm for people to check a company’s reviews before trusting them. But, this doesn’t mean that all reviews that you can find online are legitimate. It is quite easy for people to post fake reviews and testimonials online and it has become a common practice amongst scammers. They often share fake reviews in order to appear as legitimate.

You will come to know that this tactic has been used by Trader Protection as well. There are numerous customer testimonials to be found about the service, but they cannot be considered reliable. There are no profile pictures of people who have posted the reviews and they seem to be quite fake because they are quite vague and only seem to be repeating the information on the website. There are no details provided on how the company assisted the customers and this immediately makes them shady.

  • Lack of transparency

One of the biggest issues that you will discover about Trader Protection is their lack of transparency in several areas. First and foremost, they don’t share any details about the process or tactics they use for helping you recover the funds you have lost. This is worrisome because after you have been scammed, you don’t want to deal with a company that’s not open about how they are going to help you and just expects you to trust them. You need reassurance and transparency here, which they fail to provide.

The details they have given on their website are vague and unclear and are not enough to reassure anyone about how their recovery process works. Another area where they haven’t been transparent is when it comes to cost. If you decide to use Trader Protection, how much commission or fee will you have to pay? The free consultation is quite tempting and a lot of people end up falling for it and sign up immediately, but you have to remember that no one is going to provide you their services for free.

It is just the consultation that is free and the actual recovery is going to cost you money. So, you should know how much it will cost and whether it will give you value for money. The problem is that Trader Protection has not been open about this either, which means you have absolutely no idea how much you may be asked to pay. Are you willing to take that risk?

Keeping all these things in mind, it is best for you to avoid using Trader Protection because it is clearly not a company that can be relied upon.

How To Get Your Money Back From Scammers?

Want to get your money back from a scam?
Fill in the contact form on the page in this link and you will be able to get help in recovering your lost funds! You will be walked through the entire recovery process by a representative of a recommended fund recovery service after which a case will be opened for you by a case manager.

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